Saturday, November 15, 2014

Time Management tip: To Do List + Diy Dry Erase To Do List

I admit I'm very bad at time management and many of you will too. The only thing I excel in in time management is to wake up on time and not sleep to late because I was raised to always get in bed no later than 11;00 on school nights and 12:00 on weekends and I will feel very guilty if I'm late for something so I always wake up on time. Then the list ends.

Recently I've been trying to get more organized, writing down everything I need to do on a little dry erase board that I carry with me to school. It's helping me remember things I have to do and helping finish them before the deadline. It's also a very easy DIY to make. 

Things You'll Need:
Scrapbook Paper 
Scissors (optional)
Laminating Sleeve
White Board Marker 

1. Cut out your paper to you desired shape, I had mine to fit my file so it was about 18cm by 25cm. You can keep it A4 if you would like it. Make sure that your paper is light in color and the pattern isn't to eye catching as you will need to be able to see the writing on it.
2. Write 'To Do List' on a piece of paper ,cut it out and stick it on the top of the scrapbook paper.
3. Slip it in to a laminating sleeve and laminate it, if you can't do it at home, I think some photo printing stores do do them.  
4. Cut the excess plastic off.
5. Write away with your dry erase marker!

It doesn't necessarily have to be a to do list board but that was what mine was.

have fun
- agnes

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Maze Runner

I watched The Maze Runner last week and boy was it good!! It was really tense, my friend and I were grabbing each others arms so tightly all through out the whole movie. Just a little note but I have not read the book yet so I went in with only what the trailer gave me. The book didn't interest me that much, I think it might be because I'm not that into such tense action books. For example, the hunger games where OK but not the best I've read. This is just my opinion the book is a fantastic one but it isn't so interesting that I get obsessed. For me ones that I really got into were Divergent and Uglies, they both had very deep content that I really like. Especially because they have a lot of intimate scenes and the story is a lot more complicated than what it seems like and they both sort of go into the brain of a human and how they have altered it in the dystopian society. However I can really see myself liking the Maze Runner, it will be different for me though as it is so intense. Of course this is just my preference in Y.A. fiction.
Back to the movie, it was really action all the way through, as they were in danger pretty much all the way through. Every time they entered the maze it was like they were going to die even though you pretty much know they won't since there is a sequel. The actors were great in it and I couldn't ask for a better actor to play Thomas, he looked so normal yet was so special. When I was watching the movie I just kept Imagining Thomas who played Newt as Peter Pan as he looked just like a really life one and his accent was just so good. I also loved his character, despite being so young (well at least he looked very young ) he was so wise. I remember that he said something like 'we're going into the maze, because if we don't give it a try then Alby died for nothing and I can't have that. 
' I'd rather risk my life out there than stay in here forever. ' was one of the main quotes for me and I think the saying was perfect. We only do live once and we should be able to live freely without being controlled. Even if it won't be as peaceful and safe, we really do only have a maximum of about a hundred years if we're lucky, which actually isn't much. The only big issue about the film is that I really didn't like the greivers they were so disgusting and horrible I think they're supposed to be like that. I would also really love to know how they do all the CGI and the animations to make monsters in such movies so realistic.
Overall it was a great intense movie and it is for all ages (Well teenagers and up, it is not really much of a child's film XD). Also it isn't that scary, only that the greivers were a bit disgusting.

Have Fun

Monday, September 29, 2014

Life Goes On

Today I'd like to talk about a more inspirational topic. Life goes on no matter what the clock will never stop and wait for you so sometimes you have to deal with things you don't want to deal with, The roller coaster won't stop until it's time for you to get off and go to another ride. However while it is still going, you are the one that builds the tracks. Be hard working and go up or be lazy and go down it's our own decision. This post won't be long but I think it is the little things in life that motivate us.
Just remember even if your heal breaks, just keep walking and you'll get there.
Photo Credit to Pinterest

Have fun

Monday, September 22, 2014

Instagram wall!!

Finally,the Instagram wall is complete! I had a few issues when recording the voice over and I founds out that I'm not very good at talking to myself. But I still did it, I promise I'll improve next time but in the mean time here is how I made the wall!
First I saved some Instagram pictures to my computer. 
Inatagram won't let you do it by just right clicking and save as. So what I did was right click, then click inspect element. 
A link to the picture will appear and then all you have to do is click the link and save the picture to your computer. 


I went out the next day to print them out on glossy photo paper. There are a lot of alternatives like Polaroid printers for this but I think that there are websites that you can print the on and have them sent to you. My local photo printing place had square photo printing available so I just went there. 

First I just used a few pictures to map out the placement of the pictures and find out how many I will use. I chose to keep about an inch gap between each picture as I didn't like the look of them all stuck together but this is just a personal preference. 

I did one row and one column roughly then I used a piece of tape to guide the placement of my photos. 

I used 2 pieces of blu-tack on each photo, one on the top middle and one on the bottom middle. 

Then I started to put the photos up using the tape as a guideline so everything is neat. As for the spacing I just eye balled everything as a little error won`t show up much. In total I did 5 rows and 12 columns.

I did kind of arrange my photos to be a bit relevant to the ones beside whether it be by color or by whats in the photo. 
I really like the outcome of the wall and I think that it is a great way of bringing your room to life. It is totally customize-able and that's what I like about this project. It actually tells a lot about a person and it is almost like a story. Another great perk is that it is unisex so anyone can do this to be honest. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014



Last week was my first week back to school and boy it was fun! (note: sarcasm alert!!) With new electives and already starting the High School Diploma Curriculum has been quite tough. Homework is already starting to pile up and I`ve already taken two quizzes. I was always a person that didn't feel stress much even near exams. I do get nervous and stuff but I don`t get stressed that much. However the last few exams I've it's been really getting to me with the expectations of others and the thought of how my studies will actually affect my life.

Last Sunday I practically had a nervous breakdown? or was it a panic attack? I wasn`t sure. The whole day I spent doing my homework and decorating a cake for a party the following day ( my mom doesn't know how and the previous day I had other stuff to do). I was basically finished with most of the homework that night but I still had to make a powerpoint because I was running to be one in the committee of my house (school houses). I didn't know what to type in because I didn`t want to brag and have all my awards listed out but then I didn't know what else I could type. Then I started to panic my heart was beating so loud and I still had a bit of homework. My mind went pretty much blank losing all problem solving skills and stuff like that. It was like that for quite a few minutes and I was sat in my room still asking friend what should I type for the powerpoint till she started joking about everything was when I started to snap out of it. It has actually happened before and there where times where it was even more serious. I would just started thinking super negative even if it had absolutely nothing to do with what I was doing. Sometimes I'd just break down and cry in my room, there was no reason for it but I would just started bawling my eyes out and thinking really negative.

I have yet found an absolute solution for this but one of the things I like to do is first try as hard as possible to think of something positive. Then I will scroll on my social media in hope of something that is funny that will be able to cheer me up. If that doesn't work I'll go on youtube and and watch a prank video. It as long as something makes me out, it pulls me out of the mood just enough so that I can get myself together. It doesn't always work and if it doesn't I will try and keep on doing what I have to do, I might cry while I do so and the work might get be really bad but when it's done I'll slowly start to feel better.

Stress isn't necessarily a bad thing as it can motivate you to do things but too much is never a good sign. I think that taking frequent short breaks can help. I also like to give myself to work for, maybe to watch a film, some food etc. Whats most important is finding something that works for you whether it is music or water etc. Preventing too much stress is always better than having to deal with a lot of it. A crucial thing as well with me is too stop procrastinating because too if you do too much everything will be left to last minute then you will get stressed out easily.

Overall just try to make fun out of everything. It's hard but it is worth a try.

Have fun

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

School Supplies Haul + Random Stuff


Over the last few weeks of summer, I started to stock up on back to school supplies and since now that I look back at my last post I think it was kinda rubbish so I thought I`d make another bake to school post.

*Disclaimer: I`m not bragging about what I've bought I know that there are a lot of people who can`t afford this and people that can afford a lot more. This is just so you can see what I like to have for school to give you an idea of what to buy and stuff like that. And I do actually use every pen till I can`t use it anymore, even though it may take me ages but I eventually do get through them.

With that said let's get in to the haul!

School Supplies

First I got a bunch of colored pens. I really like to write my notes in different colors so everything is more organized. I also do this because it is pretty and it makes me want to revise more. (well at least I think it does) I also use them in my schedule book so everything is clear.

These pens were so cute I couldn't resist on getting them, they were in a set and have matte finish which makes me like them even more.

These pens caught my attention because the colors where really nice and each pen is very slim so they don`t take up much space in my pencil case.

I also got a bunch of really cute notebooks to write notes in. I actually think I might have gone over board but I`ll eventually get to use them. I'm also starting to like notebooks without the spirals as when I stack them with other books they take up more space and sometimes get caught between other spirals.

Sticky notes because I`m not a very organized person so having notes everywhere to remind me of  things to do. One of them is like a roll of tape but paper so I can have custom sized notes.

I found this very cute and useful little vocabulary online as well. The book has sections to write down the definition, an example etc. of different vocabulary items. It also comes with plastic sheet that has holes so you can cover up the explanation or vocabulary to aid you in revision.

A protractor because I need this for math and geography and I tend to lose them often.

This pencil wrap thing was something that also caught my eye, I really liked the style of it and it would be great for bringing a few pens out.

Highlighters! I actually didn't get all of these at once but I really wanted all the colors so I got the remaining ones this time. Highlighters are essential for notes and studying.

Last in the list of school supplies is a pen, some correction fluid and some pen refills. I particularly like this correction fluid because it is also very slim so it doesn't take up much space. I like pen refills a lot because they're cheaper and I don't have to waste the plastic case.

Random Stuff

Tic Tacs! I've never tried this flavour before and strawberry is my favourite fruit ever so I thought I'd try some. 

They taste like marshmallows!

I love cute stickers for my schedule book as it encourages me to use it more. I got these two this time as they both weren't too big and they weren't to thick either. (some stickers are raised and have thickness)

Last of all the best thing I've ever seen. A bracelet but wait a minute, it's not just any old bracelet, it is maid of elastic so you can use it to tie up you hair. No more plain black hair ties on your wrist!

So that is what I got for school. I hope this helps you with any back to school shopping left or just what you bring to school and any shopping in the future.

Have Fun

Thursday, August 28, 2014

School Essentials

Since most students are going back to school or already back to school, I thought it be impossible for me not to write about some school essentials every girl ( Or maybe boy?) Needs in their school bag.

1. Pens
Everyone needs pens and pencils, or else we wouldn't be able to jot down notes (I hope you do jot notes because even if you don`t read them again, you are more likely to remember everything if you`ve written them down at least once) Of course it is also great to have cute pens but bare in mind that they should write smoothly as well or else you are just going to get frustrated.

2. Notebooks
Notebooks are great for jotting down notes, writing reminders r even just doodling in class if you get bored. It doesn't really matter if you get one thick one and divide it up or a bunch of small ones. Me personally likes to keep them separate as I find thick ones very heavy and bulky.

3. Agenda
Not everyone needs this but when things get hectic these come in handy. I used to give up every few weeks I start one but this time I stuck to it by making it really cute and really fill in all my dates. I think that you should give it a try if you find your self forgetting things and dates clashing a lot. I recommend the Muji plain weekly or monthly planner. They are really nice and the best thing is that you can customize them with stickers and drawings. They are also really light weight.

4. Water bottle
You've got to stay hydrated through out the day and no I do not mean those juice drinks and energy drinks with added sugar and flavorings. I`m talking about H20 (Preferably not distilled water because it has no nutrients and I think it tastes disgusting). 70% of your whole body is made of water so drink up!

5. File
A nice big file will help you get organized for your classes, you can just through everything you need for one class and your good to go. Sometimes if I`m lazy I'll even throw my pens in their so I don`t have to bring a pencil case.

6. A smile
Don`t forget, school is supposed to be fun, even if you hate the classes and the homework, try to think of whats after it. Like you get to hang out with friends after classes, you get to go shopping after finishing your homework. It should be a time in life where we get to find ourselves and make some great friends so why miss out?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Instagram wall : project update

I just got the photos back from the store and they look great, I found out that there're not a hundred percent square but they look square enough. I've also decided to use blu tack to stick it to my wall so I can reuse the pictures if I stop get tired of it. Also so I can swap out the photos if I want to. I'm not actually sure if it is going to stick well but I'm just going to hope for the best. 

I'm going to be away in a beach house for three days next week and I'm thinking of vlogging  it. It's really beautiful they're and just a nice little getaway. I'm not necessarily going to be unplugged but I'll have slow internet so it'll be a nice in-between state where I can not miss out on important things and relax.
I think I'll be doing the wall later today or tomorrow. I want to get it done before I leave so I'm trying to work it into my schedule,but I'll really hoping it will work so wish me luck and have a great day. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Happiness seems like a very big word at times, sometimes it's really easy to put a smile on your face but sometimes turning that frown upside down is the hardest thing in the world. I think that it is important to live a happy life, what is life when you're dreading every day of it. There are so many fun things to live for.

What I like to do when I'm feeling a bit under the weather, I like to first if I really need to, bawl my eyes out, just let out on my emotions.(but not with food ) Then I'll do something that makes feel happy. Sometimes I'll watch a funny movie, if I don't have enough time I'll listen to an upbeat song or watch a funny YouTube video. It doesn't really matter as long as you have fun. However don't do something you'll regret like getting drunk(especially if you're underaged )  eating a whole tub of ice-cream or going shopping and wasting a load of money. This is because when you think back later, you'll ask yourself why did you do that, if you feel really bad about it you'll be unhappy again and the cycle will never end. 

After a few days or until you feel one hundred percent good, you'll want to think why where you unhappy but try doing it positively and try to think what can I do to prevent it from occurring again. 
For example: 
If I was annoyed because someone insulted me, I would tell tell myself to not let it get to me next time and just forget about it as there are many more good things about you then bad, and they were just unlucky to be the one to witness your bad side.

Some things in life just aren't worth it, so just try your best to look on the positive side of things and remember that you are beautiful in your own way and no one can put you down. You are stronger than the people that put you down.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Movie Reveiw : LUCY

I know I`m probably a bit late but last week I went to watch Lucy in cinemas.

It was a really cool movie even though it wasn`t as tense as I would`ve liked it to be. However in the story line, the main topic is actually quite a deep topic that isn`t hard to understand but it does tell us the truth. That we have so much potential we don`t even know.Overall it was a nice movie to watch 
Note: Spoilers!
The story revolves around Lucy (Scarlet Johansson) who is tricked into delivering drugs by her new boyfriend while studying in Tai Pei. The drugs where enclosed in her stomach but when in captivation, she was kicked in the stomach, causing the bag to break open and the drugs leak into her body in a large quantity. This results in her gaining enhanced physical and mental abilities, like knowledge entering her brain unconsciously, photographic memory, telekinesis, etc. With her new found abilities, she escapes and goes to the hospital charging into the surgery room demanding that the drugs get removed from her body. She no longer felt pain, but she could remember everything,even to the point that she still knows what it felt when her bones grew when she was still a fetus in her mothers womb. She then starts to do research and stumbles upon Professor Samuel Norman (Morgan Freeman) that studies the human brain. According to his research, a human only uses up to 10% of the whole capacity of the brain. His research revolves around the estimation of what humans would be able to do if they could use more of the brain. I`m not going to reveal anymore but after that, the movies revolves around the drug dealer trying to get the drugs back , the study of Lucy`s enhanced brain and her be able to use more and more of her brain until she can use it fully.

Through out the movie, there are actually references to the natural world for example, when the Drug Dealer was luring in Lucy to help in deliver his drugs, it corresponded to a tiger trying to capture a deer. 
This made the whole idea of the film very real and that this is the nature of living things.
The most important theme in the movie would be that we only use 10%of our brain which is not even a quarter of the great capacity. Even though we can`t really change that in real life ourselves (CPH4 is a real chemical but not the real name for the one referred to in film), I think it really refers to as how much potential one has that we cannot imagine even within that small amount of our brain that we do use. We can actually never imagine. It`s like when you`re running and you think you can`t run more than let`s say 5km. However if you just run for as long as you can at a steady pace until you really can`t push yourself to run anymore and you have someone else to record how much you`ve ran, you`ll most likely exceed your expectations.
Mental Blocks affect us more than physical blocks do, we think we can`t do it but in reality we can, it`s just that we make ourselves believe that we can`t.

All in all we have so much potential not even you know how much that is, so as long as we strive hard to achieve that goal, we will get there. So don`t give up!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Instagram Wall

      Recently I`ve been going round Pinterest an basically the internet and I've seen so many of these wall arts where many square photos have been hung up, to be more specific they're Instagram walls. 
So since I have a very naked wall beside my bed I`ve been thinking about making one my own. However I`ve seen so many variations of it that I can't really decide which one I want to make. There are these ones where you hang up some twine and glue on clothes pegs and clip the photos on. 
Some are just pinned to a cork board, some are glued on to a frame and some are just glued to the wall.

The type of photos I`m using are mainly pictures with memories of me and my friends and some with just beautiful scenery and basically nice pictures with things I love.
       I think that it is a great idea for not only wall art but just a photo book that you can see everyday and can remember all the great times you had and the things you love.